An Archived Site documenting the historic 2013 victory and efforts of families, teachers, farmers and health professionals on Kaua‘i (Hawai‘i)

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40 Bouchard, M.F.
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Peer Reviewed Studies linking Pesticides to Children's Health Impacts
Many research studies have investigated the between link pesticides to children's health issues, including autism, attention deficit disorder and brain function and brain development. Of great concern was a policy statement and report released by the American Academy of Pediatrics stating:
decreased cognitive function, and behavioral problems."
In efforts to debunk agrochemical industry myths that science does not support the connection between pesticide exposure and health risks, here is a sample list of the many studies on those focused issues.
This list was released as part of the survey study, A Generation in Jeopardy: How Pesticides Are Undermining Our Children's Health and Intelligence published by the pesticide research organization, Pesticide Action Network. Since its publications several new studies have been released supporting and expanding the scientific support of the link between pesticides and children's health.